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Last updated: Thursday, August 19, 2010 | 4:44 PM ET

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Software firm Open Text stock up sharply after doubling of fourth-quarter profit
TechBits: Drawing tablet; TV on iPad; AOL plans to increase local news network
Chipmaker Intel to buy computer security software maker McAfee in $7.7B deal
PC maker Lenovo returns to profit on strong sales in China, emerging markets
Facebook joins location frenzy with Places so users can share whereabouts
Accuser in HP case claimed her work was cut because she rebuffed CEO
Summary Box: Music royalty talks consider FM radio mandate for cellphones
Talks in music royalty dispute consider mandate that cellphones contain FM radio receivers
Summary Box: Review of Samsung Galaxy S phones
Review: Samsung Galaxy S phones do Android proud with great touch screens, speedy processors

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Warming-related drought leads to decline in plant growth, reversing earlier trend
New US study: Oil plume under Gulf surface is big and likely to survive awhile
Study: It's only a shrinking moon - but no, it won't be disappearing any millennium soon
Full steam ahead on excursion to Titanic wreck despite fire on research vessel
Science Matters: Anti-environmentalists are stuck in the past
One-two punch: Scientists discover rare double earthquake behind 2009 South Pacific tsunami
Canadian scientists help search for life on Mars by looking for methane gas
Scientists: Haiti quake was caused by previously undetected fault line, not suspected culprit
World experiences second hottest July on record, hottest first 7 months of year
Statistics council calls on Harper government to reinstate mandatory long census