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  1. @moonpolysoft Yeah, but I am trying to make it actually work for employees.
  2. Frantically hacking, as you can tell.
  3. "Did you delete that?" "I don't know! There's nothing there!"
  4. @robey No...I added twitteractors 1.1.0 to the dep list by hand, but then the Rails app still couldn't connect.
  5. Killing any running haplo...
  6. @ra66i Makes sense.
  7. You are in a maze of twisty little dependencies....
  8. @ra66i I recommend Burr Pilger Mayer for accounting services.
  9. Attila is here!
  10. Siditives!
  11. At Rifftrax Live.
  12. Searching for Attila.
  13. Picking up @asz at the airport.
  14. Keep missing lunch. :-/
  15. @ra66i It incorrectly optimized away my pass-by-reference string length. Ugh.
  16. Damn you, -O3!
  17. Pivot.
  18. Dropped @twigsy off at the airport... :'-(
  19. @dcc3 it's at work.