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  1. Sitting in my hotel room in Herndon, Virginia. Getting ready to go get some sanity tomorrow & bring it back to Canada. #rallytorestoresanity
  2. On part ce matin pour aller à Washington//Leaving this morning for “The Road Trip to Bring Some Sanity back to Canada” #RallyToRestoreSanity
  3. It's interesting to watch the journalists on twitter interact with politicians - the same people they are supposed to be covering. #cdnpoli
  4. Funny that Harper is so concerned for Canadians privacy regarding #census. Sure wasn't the case back in 2007: #cdnpoli
  5. @ezralevant If you blindly support something, you lose creditability, you become a hack. Wanting better regulations doesn't make me against
  6. @ezralevant @drkla In fact, you're right, many birds killed by wind farms. So we don't demand better wildlife protection from tailing ponds?
  7. @ezralevant @drkla I am not against the oil sands & never said I was. I just want stricter regulations so that term "ethical oil" has teeth.
  8. I get the impression @ezralevant cares more about human rights issues of other countries rather than Alberta's health/environment. #cdnpoli
  9. @ezralevant I ask you sir, what is more important, Alberta's environment, health & future, or the human rights of people in other countries?
  10. @ezralevant Unlike you sir, my first concern isn't OPEC nor Iran, etc. My priorities concern Canada 1st! We should strive to be perfect.
  11. @ezralevant Also you're wrong sir, OPCRC says: "persons under the age of 18 years are entitled to special protection":
  12. @ezralevant Sir, do you honestly feel there's no need to improve environmental regulations in Alberta? We can't criticize while supporting?
  13. Don't understand why can't criticize oil sands without being treated as left-wing bleeding heart. I'm for Alberta oil, but not at any price
  14. @ezralevant I am for the oil sands sir, I want the world to buy its oil from us, but not at any cost, not at the cost of our environment.
  15. @ezralevant If you were a true patriot sir, you'd want oil companies in Alberta to meet highest standard so criticism would be impossible.
  16. @ezralevant What is the harm in demanding the best for Canada/Alberta? Why can't we criticize oil sands demanding better regulation?
  17. @ezralevant Sir, my first priority is my country, Canada! Perhaps you should concern yourself more w/Canada rather human rights elsewhere.
  18. @ezralevant Regimes like SaudiArabia aren't the standard by which we should judge ourselves. If our oil is ethical, must protect environment
  19. Can't wait to hear the response from @ezralevant about all the dead birds killed in tailing ponds of Syncrude & others:
  20. Même les fédéralistes convaincus, au moins ceux qui ont le moindre de bon sens, ne peuvent plus voter pour le #PLQ: