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  1. OH "Let me tell you about the data structures we--what? 30 seconds? OK, let's go to the demo." #hackweek
  2. The Giants decorations in the downtown BART stations are awesome.
  3. I just had to restart my laptop after 120 days of uptime. I feel defeated.
  4. I thought it was just going to be a lazy Saturday and then I locked myself in my bedroom and had to jimmy the door open with a hanger.
  5. The rain at any given instant of my walk was quite light, but the summation of those instants has left me quite wet.
  6. How does this fair weather fan thing work? Can I become a Giants fan now, or do I actually have to wait for a nice day in San Francisco?
  7. I just wanted to make a simple change to this HTML and before I know it I'm writing a database migration. How did this happen?
  8. OH man in liquor aisle with 6-year-old: "Let me introduce you to some of Daddy's friends. This is Mr. Patrón."
  9. When you have, oh, I don't know, 743 unread in your inbox, Gmail doesn't say they're actually unread conversations with dozens of messages.
  10. Ah, it's 10:00am Hawaiian Standard Time and I'm ready to start the day. Wait--what? Where am I? Oh.
  11. You could guess where this plane came from based on the number of men wearing aloha shirts. Hello again, California!
  12. The highway sign "Speed limit enforced by laser" probably means something much less dramatic than what I have in mind.
  13. @pmnagel After I almost lost it on a rough beach yesterday, I'm taking it off in high risk scenarios.
  14. On second thought, maybe the large was a mistake.
  15. I discovered Hawaiian shave ice. I'm going to miss California.
  16. People keep telling us how young we look, which I didn't believe until the hotel switched our bottle of champagne for sparkling apple juice.
  17. First thoughts on Maui: 1. Paradise. 2. The government needs to institute a state-wide Papyrus embargo.
  18. No smoking food drink! Smoke cigarettes instead, I guess?
  19. Aloha is used for hello *and* goodbye? So do I say it now or when we get there? Oh, whatever. See you, Oakland!
  20. Honestly, Tweeple, I leave Twitter for THREE DAYS and we get a new CEO. What gives?! Oh, and congrats, @dickc.