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  1. Just another day @ Twitter HQ #Stig #TopGear
  2. Jackie is now a blue w green stripe in karate...congrats girl!
  3. @craiglachman will do! Might not be until tomorrow.
  4. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, Gary passed away last night, his suffering is no more.
  5. @seacue you're very welcome. Enjoy!
  6. And I'm back yet again @ ICU
  7. And we're back, in ICU...really really tired of this place. If this place had a check-in on 4square, I'd be mayor for sure.
  8. Back @ the ER with the father in law, please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.
  9. The Wellesley Wine Press: A little research pays off: A visit to Lewelling V... Best Napa Cab in my mind, taste if Ucan
  10. @datn they look better on theo and you! ;)
  11. @jeffgage The sound of freedom my friend...embrace it!! ;)
  12. @mutgoff I fixed that for you ..."Jets are SO AWESOME!!" =)