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  1. I believe I just saw the person who was the inspiration for the Weeble.
  2. It's always "Too hard. Too soft. Too short. Too thick." I'm never inviting Goldilocks to another orgy.
  3. I'm dressed in my vinyl catsuit, going door to door collecting treats that will go right to my ass because, y'know. It's Friday.
  4. I'm tweeting from an airplane because I really want my last words to be a dick joke.
  5. Every time through airport security it's the same deal. They hand inspect my vibrator & make me demonstrate it to prove it's not a bomb.
  6. Every stick of gum is an opportunity to make a new friend. But why have a new friend, when you can have GUM BOULDER!
  7. If someone got the song "Raspberry Beret" stuck in your head & you killed them, I would vote to acquit. Unless that person was me. Just now.
  8. @DadNeedsADrink Woo-HOO! @JET_AZ
  9. @DadNeedsADrink @JET_AZ Is horror porn a real thing? It should be. I'm jonesing for Night of the Giving Head or the TX Gangbang Massacre.
  10. A porno I don't want to see: Edward's Scissorhandjob.
  11. Hollywood casting news: Wilford Brimley & Paris Hilton to play Beetus & Sluthead.
  12. When there are plenty of flu shots to go around, I never get one. I'm only in it for the exclusive mystique.
  13. Now pitching my CSI script in which the Golden Shower Killer slips up & eats asparagus.
  14. My BFF married two guys, both named Dave, but the first one spelled it a-s-s-h-o-l-e.
  15. Save time. Smoke &/or eat a sammich *while* having sex. It's the most important habit of highly effective hobags.
  16. The guys who thought I was hot in college had stringent criteria: 1) Must have a pulse. 2) Must have a vagina. And #2 was often negotiable.
  17. I thought the kid wanted to play "who can make the goofiest face," but he just had crossed eyes & a harelip. I still won, though.
  18. I read somewhere that sneezes are a type of orgasm. So yeah. I'm totally multi-orgasmic.