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  1. Portal 2 co-op took exactly four hours to beat, and it was a lot of fun!
  2. Livestreaming me and @ezchili playing portal 2 co-op:
  3. @mikecunny how do I stream to It seems to be webcam only. :(
  4. Me and Ez will livestream us playing portal 2 coop soon! Setting up now. Will tweet url.
  5. @endswithcody Yes, they have regional spawns, and spawn in packs (iirc)
  6. @GOGcom We totally should elope.
  7. @jeffool Mmm yes, good idea. Silly, but good.
  8. @jaffog Yep, it's a bug. =)
  9. @GOGcom Haha, yes! :D Oh, and I love You guys rock so hard.
  10. Downloading Might and Magic 6 (from @GOGcom), as recommended by @JahKob . I expect to have an awesome easter weekend. :D
  11. Me and Ez will probably livestream ourselves playing co-op portal 2 tomorrow without ever having tried it in co-op.
  12. Easter weekend start! I worked on a map item for minecraft today. Fog of war, automapping, all that.
  13. @MrPoi316 you're wrong =)
  14. @anosou @JahKob says he thinks you're heading to the office. Are you?
  15. @jazmcdougall that would be epic
  16. @dannyBstyle also, you should have a cloak now
  17. @dannyBstyle And guess what I love the most about you... ;D
  18. @dannyBstyle much like your genitalia!
  19. @DevTrooper thank you, I'll investigate
  20. @pugdug808 yes, I used to listen to then all the time. =)