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  1. At BeerHive Pub for tonight's SLC Tweetup. We're near the front. Come on out!
  2. @heydebhenry We'll try! Stoked to see SLC!
  3. @gilbertglee @dannailen @detourshirts, we're headed to SLC! Tweetup tonight: Beer Hive Pub (128 S. Main St.) 7-9 p.m. Hope to see you there!
  4. @jantzie @fancychristofer @heydebhenry we're headed to SLC! Tweetup tonight: Beer Hive Pub (128 S. Main St.) 7-9 p.m. Hope to see you there!
  5. @sltrib @doxees @jesse @jennyinSLUT, we're headed to SLC! Tweetup tonight: Beer Hive Pub (128 S. Main St.) 7-9 p.m. Hope to see you there!
  6. Salt Lake City, we're headed your way! Tweetup tonight at Beer Hive Pub (128 S. Main St.) 7-9 p.m. Hope to see you there!
  7. @aprilrinne Each city has been amazing, but probably the most surprising was Wichita. A great and motivated group of Twitter peeps out there
  8. @aprilrinne we haven't even begun to process all that we've heard on this trip. Very tough to say. So much great stuff.
  9. @charlieoliver great! Stay tuned for the tweetup location. We should get it squared away soon.
  10. @charlieoliver we'll be stopping there for a day & night. Hosting a gathering tom. night from 7-9 at a to-be-determined venue. Interested?
  11. @todaysmama @jesse I think the SL Roasting would be perfect. 7-9 pm work? Either of you mind making arrangements with them? Thanks so much!
  12. Too little time in Denver, but the road calls us. See you soon, Salt Lake City!
  13. @todaysmama @Jesse @kristaparry @ktdata @djwaldow How about someplace laid back in SLC? Hope to do something around 7-9 p.m. tomorrow.
  14. @jadabgood Yes! :-)
  15. Just ate at My Brother's Bar, hangout for Denver wild man, Neal Cassady, Kerouac's "On The Road" muse. Appropriate and tasty.
  16. The Denver Tweetup has begun! Come to Forest Room 5. We'll be hanging for the next couple hours and we'd like to see you :)
  17. @connectsquared @djwaldow @kristaparry @todaysmama @ktdata We're thinking about a SLC Tweetup Friday night. Venue ideas?
  18. Howdy, Denver! Tweetup tonight at Forest Room 5 (2533 15th street) from 7-10 p.m. Hope to see you there!
  19. @Greeblemonkey Right on! Let's do it! cc: @chipd @dannynewman
  20. @Ktdata Ideas? cc: @connectsquared