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  1. Maybe the Democrats should start wearing beards while campaigning.
  2. It's a weird time in SF where more people are talking about baseball than the latest Apple announcement.
  3. Move over Tom, Dick and Harry and make room for Mohammed. @CNN reports Mohammed to be a top name in the UK
  4. Looks like the #Giants are messing with Texas.
  5. @elizabeth That better be you making my kids awesome Halloween costumes!
  6. @adambain Yes, thanks soooo much for the tickets to the #Giants game! Oh wait. :p cc @choppedonion
  7. I know they all do it, and I support this President but it bums me out to see him campaigning so much when we have so much work to do.
  8. @elizabeth Can you please create my kids Halloween costumes, too? I'm tired of those show off mom's making me look bad.
  9. Most creative and delicious effort at Twitter hack week goes to @Elizabeth
  10. Love that the @whitehouse and @PressSec are taking their first questions from #Twitter today!
  11. If only the Democrats played liked the #Giants.
  12. I'm getting the feeling that the #giants really want to win this thing.
  13. Tony Bennett was fantastic. And at 84 years young.
  14. Whoa. Chevy ad during #Giants game used the same music from the #newtwitter video. cc @trammel @jennadawn