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  1. May be chilly at #Rally4Sanity so if you wear a sexy costume instead of & go with
  2. There will be Port-O-Potties! U get to pee! U get to pee! Everybody gets to pee! How sane is that? #Rally4Sanity
  3. #Rally4Sanity Tip: Hold on to your Rally ticket stub. It will grant you full access to all sorts of nerdy conversations later that evening.
  4. Don't forget Daily Show Executive Producer @roryalbanese and Writer @timcarvell will be tweeting live from the #Rally4Sanity. Follow Them!
  5. Remember, unlike most malls, there are no Talbots at the National Mall. Please pack accordingly. #Rally4Sanity
  6. #Rally4Sanity weather report: 97% chance of AWESOME! 3% chance of rain. Sorry we don't control the weather. But we do control the AWESOME!
  7. Suggested rally snack # 231: GORP. Good Old Reasonable Peanuts
  8. 3 days 21 hours & 4 minutes to the #Rally4Sanity. It's so close you can almost taste it. Keep in mind, you should avoid trying to taste it.
  9. DC Fun Fact: Close your eyes at the Jefferson Memorial. First person you see upon opening them is required by law to marry you #Rally4Sanity
  10. If you slip up and call someone an $&%^, please put a quarter in the swear jar, located behind the third port-a-potty. #Rally4Sanity
  11. Want to know if your #Rally4Sanity sign is sane or not? Upload it to to see if it passes the test.
  12. #Rally4Sanity Tip # 533: If you're having trouble finding the Rally on the 30th, just follow the smell of awesome.
  13. Daily Show writers @timcarvell and @roryalbanese will be live tweeting from the #Rally4Sanity next week. How sane is that?! Follow Them!
  14. #Rally4Sanity Tip # 427: Don't forget to bring your camera if you plan to use the Rally as your alibi!
  15. #Rally4Sanity Fun Fact: Rally comes from the Latin RALLERTUM, meaning "the only place besides sports games where its ok to play jock jams
  16. If you like Jon Stewart hosting things, you'll love Jon Stewart hosting this thing: Night of Too Many Stars. TONIGHT! 9pm on Comedy Central
  17. Rally Fun Fact: Did you know the rally was invented by noted English explorer Sir Walter Raleigh? #Rally4Sanity