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  1. Watching @delbius draw Portal symbols at Pauline's.
  2. Three tweets about candy in a row in my timeline. It's a sign! I see Chupa Chups in my future.
  3. @cascadem @nicky MEN - "Off Our Backs" video:
  4. Finished our simple, monotone costumes. Now I just need a @delbius for complete effect.
  5. @gloriahawa @possiblesubject Come up and hang out, glo!
  6. @tyip @capnwiley I don't! I just remembered her birthday. :/
  7. Happy birthday, Winona Ryder.
  8. @delbius Obviously, you should've brought a plate of stale brownies or a pitcher of sweet tea.
  9. @possiblesubject We live in the same city *and* you're up as late as me. Yes re: fun and camp!
  10. It's raining; it's pouring. I'm peeing instead of snoring.
  11. @gloriahawa @possiblesubject She's currently doing a book tour to promote Rat Girl. I think she hit up LA a few weeks ago tho. /cc @nicky
  12. Totally 'shopped
  13. @nicky @sperrow @garmonbozia
  14. Strings and gongs and water glasses oh my. Seeing Kronos Quartet for first time at @YBCA.
  15. @sperrow PVC pipe will work too. Hardware store will cut for you. Uh I'll just message you.
  16. @sperrow Here's a cheap way: 2 pieces of rope (1 goes around neck, 1 goes around waist), 2 sticks/rulers cut into length of base, duct tape.
  17. @sperrow I can help you build that but how do you want to attach it to the bottom? A dense piece of cardboard?
  18. @CapnWiley Oh yeah I forgot. Whoops.