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  1. From the Department of All Things Obvious, I give you: Columbia IBC etiquette training.
  2. @raffi that makes me want to head back into the office to check it out!
  3. "He shall be given the name Paul. And he shall carry on the legacy of arbitrary, absurd underwater sporting predictions."
  4. @DanaDanger welcome back Ms. Danger
  5. git pull infinite space-time-continuum
  6. @olivia No kidding. Terrible idea for an app.
  7. @jeremycloud omg, so many birds. What does it mean!?
  8. The tunes of classical music make this snippet of Ruby code seem so futuristic and unreal. Thank God for Yanni. It's now just futuristic.
  9. Peeling back the "many layers" of Steve Jobs.
  10. @rsarver $10/reservation vs. < $1/cancellation penalty (virtual currency) does sound like a one-sided system skewed towards OpenTable.
  11. @eclipse_solaire Bummer! We'll definitely er... have fun for you and think of you when Chris starts singing fake Chinese love songs. ;)
  12. The world in the eyes of a San Franciscan.
  13. Half an hour later. TaxiMagic, we're over.
  14. @Chitostyle Of course, it's a must!
  15. @Chitostyle When when? Is @eclipse_solaire coming with you?
  16. Current status: