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  1. @fionalaird thanks, have sorted
  2. @AndyWhyteUK have just been writing so not much to report at my end #willresumenormallifesoon
  3. Support Remembrance Day Poppy, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! -
  4. Fife is trending this morning - how wonderful!
  5. @hannmrfitz I can see you are up - remind me again how to put the Poppy up on profile pic. thx
  6. have unusually quiet Sat morning at home - everyone is out - am NOT going to spend it Tweeting, but just here for quick hello!
  7. thank for the #Follow Fridays - kind, thoughtful, lovely. X
  8. @GeoffDicks we are fans of Paultons Park, but Marwell Wildlife Park sounds worth a visit too
  9. Just been on half-term visit just outside Southampton - Hampshire is a very pretty county #loveBritain
  10. @UNAIDS @gaetanlondon @scissorsisters @stephenfry I am as thrilled as you are!
  11. @UNAIDS
  12. Last day to apply to be a #London2012GamesMaker and volunteer at the @London2012 Games! Apply today! Pls RT
  13. Trick or Tweet for UNICEF & make Halloween less scary for children with malaria in Africa #endmalaria
  14. get that @ladygaga with her billion you tube views *impressed face*
  15. very excited that the new @maggiescentres in Cheltenham has now opened - inspirational #joyofliving
  16. if u missed get online week you can still get someone new online via' #helppassiton :) [via @marthalanefox]