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  1. @rsarver @macarne yep, always has (can't turn it off if you wanted to).
  2. @adam_griffiths it always does (and always has)
  3. @djohnston you can close the window w/ Cmd-W, then Enter to Discard
  4. @matthewrex @chockenberry it's heavily interpolated (still insanely awesome)
  5. @djohnston yep, in the menus
  6. @timlauer the three things he's asking Twitter to do are the three things Twitter is doing. Did he read the announcement?
  7. @stub_san oh sweet :)
  8. @stub_san figured it out cause im sooooo smaaaaart
  9. @janl wow, super impressed.
  10. @janl Literally. 15MB. And did Apple know that they approved what they approved?
  11. @stub_san 1311221112?
  12. @gizmosachin thanks, noticed recently myself
  13. @AlexTrott_ that would be awesome - thanks -
  14. @AlexTrott_ what happens?
  15. @raawmarkus @hising yep
  16. @matthewrex thanks.
  17. @matthewrex what URL was that? Server freakout.
  18. @sandofsky wuh...