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  1. OH at Oakland Airport: "Bad sex is like a day at the office or going fishing." ... I'm confused.
  2. Thanks @obama for flying out of Burbank and making my flight 30 min delayed.
  3. Conan's First Guest to be Determined by Twitter Vote (Maybe) via @mashentertain @mashable
  4. @mgrooves superchunk reminds me of my favorite ice cream. Can't believe you're leaving TI early for the show. Impressive dedication ...
  5. @choppedonion @Hoff The sky was incredible this AM. Check out this photo from my morning run:
  6. Another great idea - How To Replace Styrofoam With Mushrooms via @techcrunch
  7. Just learned about, a new social network initiative to fight hunger by @WFP - launching Monday.
  8. @jeanpaul Try any of Ethan Stowells restaurants: How to Cook a Wolf, Tavolata, Anchovies & Olives or Staple & Fancy. Dont forget about Yelp!
  9. Just discovered the new @IamWIll video on the #newtwitter. Love it!
  10. New photo story from @Pictory - Life Lessons:
  11. Really? When are businesses going to stop trying to get into this space? - AOL:The 500th Groupon Clone via @techcrunch
  12. Grow your core followers - Twitter Launches Promoted Accounts; Algorithm-Based And Brand-Only (For Now) via @techcrunch
  13. Interesting article about how Daily Deal sites work - RT @sitejabber The Pros and Cons of Daily Deals
  14. Wow. You know Twitter has become a powerful tool when the President of Ecuador uses it to announce a state of emergency.