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  1. @mattknox doable in JS?
  2. @timbray I *think* it's a stunt by a smartphone retailer, but I couldn't follow much of what he was saying.
  3. @daynaschmayna @emmaluna
  4. JavaScript trie - bound to come in handy.
  5. Kindle app is empty. What should I read?
  6. @headius excellent, please do.
  7. Love this twitter exchange: "@dalmaer: I remember when you were bullish about GWT. What happened? @tirsen: I used it."
  8. @headius I was in Vegas this morning. Would have loved to grab lunch. Oh well.
  9. OH @matasar: "If I'm thinking about DeMorgan's rule when I'm reading your code, you've failed."
  10. @evanphx if that's cosmic payback for Pearl Harbor, I don't even want to think about the payback for Hiroshima.
  11. @x5315 @bshine
  12. @davejohnson when the tweet is rendered, hashtags become links to searches.
  13. A full Smalltalk, compatible with Squeak, in the browser:
  14. @rabble "Social startup, via acquisition, hires speakers from 2001 RubyConf". Yep.