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  1. @threetwins this is insanely delicious, I hope you can be convinced to make it again..
  2. @threetwins how's the supply looking there? And the demand for that matter..
  3. @dudeche As if you ever stopped!
  4. @dawnstarau really... were you expecting much less? :P
  5. @dawnstarau,Job - site's a little sparse but hit me up with questions
  6. @dawnstarau sure you don't feel like relocating to SF? We're looking for engineers ;-)
  7. Kudos to all you crazy unicyclists out there. You know who you are. You're riding a unicycle.
  8. RT @domknight I'm perplexed by #prayforjapan, because it implies that God might have opted not to send this earthquake, if only we'd asked.
  9. @georgebwu Ship ooooon! #gwutang
  10. @olix0r \m/
  11. Code review 3.0
  12. Just bought a bed. Told salesman I work for Twitter. Nearly shook my hand off - "bringing democracy to the world.. Keep up the good work!"
  13. @dudeche Priceless tux
  14. @gavinsandie schweeeeet. You know, we're still looking for decent engineers if you feel like a relocation across the Atlantic :-)
  15. @gavinsandie those are the best kind of callouts
  16. @adelep123 know your enemy, or something like that?