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  1. @gingerm im at it right now! Lost In The Trees @ the Austin Episcopal Church. #2 twin shadow #3 local natives #4 trampled by turtles #sxsw
  2. @whereskoshak hey cab buddy. Would love to see Smith Westerns @clubdeville any chance you can add twitter guy to the list?
  3. @soulhat swan dive on red river & 7th
  4. @trammell nm ....score!
  5. #sxsw anyone @ convention center w/ extra wristband punch?
  6. @trammell any chance u can swing by conv ctr this afternoon? Would glady pay ur roundtrip cab fare...
  7. @ Mohawk Austin for Twin Shadow. Who's here?!?
  8. @YOUNGBUFFALO no worries! Caught the show last guys were great. Will being some folks over to lamberts tonight...
  9. @YOUNGBUFFALO what time you guys going on tonight? #sxsw
  10. @alexasrobinson @grauface @Brent_Hill what's that? You can EAT the wrapper?! #potatobasedwrappers
  11. @shaneadams nice to meet you, Shane. Enjoy the rest of your time in Austin! #roaring
  12. @rdublife Great to meet you last night. Enjoy the rest of your time in Austin! #roaring
  13. @MissDallasAlice @brooksethomas hope y'all had a good rest of the night. Good to see you both! #roaring
  14. Discussing the many rules of wizard stix w/ @jasonglaspey...white wizard status has not been achieved...yet.
  15. There haave to be more smartphones than there are people in Austin right now #sxswi
  16. @gingerm ha! Will def need help from the one woman CHI IT dept to get that printer set up. not sure that #tedtalk included instructions...
  17. Just placed my first #willpay via @zaarly_austin for a bike rental this week. Here's to hoping! #sxsw
  18. @jillianmg let me know if you know anyone who wants my Ari tix tonight. Can't make the show. I can call in and have the name swittched. LMK!