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  1. Epic day. #squaw
  2. Driving across donner pass - it is dumping!
  3. @Twilio do you guys still have some promo codes available?
  4. OH: You can't compile ruby unless you already have ruby on your path, just like you can't make a baby unless you have two adults
  5. @G_Rock @gruber haha - no but I sit right next to it!
  6. @magnusvk Thanks for the intro! @andres, looking forward to meeting you in person!
  7. OH: "I don't deal with hypothetical situations"
  8. Kiteboarding. #thingsiwanttolearnthisyear
  9. @wm I guess ruby is driving me nuts!
  10. @LusciousPear are you programming robots?
  11. OH: "Nobody really knows what the Apple TV does, but it's good to have one"
  12. My toes are back online. These new ski-boots are pretty - but painful. Unsure if that's a good trade-off.
  13. A break from the city. Up here, it's about having fun, not about getting ahead. #squaw.
  14. @magnusvk Yes, indeed!
  15. @magnusvk Big Sky is awesome - have fun! I used to ski a smaller resort called "Bridger Bowl" which was in bozeman. Have fun!