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  1. @enkido Funny! But you know you can block him, right?
  2. Phew! That was an epic ballot. Remember to vote, and vote No on Sit/Lie. Sidewalks are vital public space for all of us.
  3. OH: "This repo hasn't been modified in months so committing to it makes sirens go off or something." <pause> Earthquake siren goes off!
  4. I have no idea how I survived this long without knowing about 'git diff master...' to diff a branch versus its common ancestor with master.
  5. @lilyha They want to make sure they get a good seat!
  6. @lilyha Yes they do! An Asian supermarket is your best bet.
  7. @enkido Is it Chrome-specific? Have you tried Page Speed? Also @souders may have some ideas.
  8. Twitter Go Club tomorrow! @ej @ginger @stevej @enkido @nicoles will I see you there?
  9. JSONView extension is awesome. Chrome, Firefox:,
  10. Big ups to @lilyha for her first full-time job! Well done Lily! :-)
  11. Rargh. @lastfm is convinced I really really love soul. Recommended radio is now useless when it used to be great. How can I fix it?
  12. Sorkin replies to misogyny complaints about Social Network: Also, source materials from trial:
  13. Great Defcon talk by Jason Scott on the history of inter-software pirate beefing:
  14. Also: gift cards for cabs. Has someone done this yet? HT @lilyha
  15. Starting a global outreach program: New Music for Old People. Thinking mix CD of the month club. HT @lilyha