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  1. @carapell You are so welcome! Thanks for coming and I am glad you had a good time:)
  2. @trammell thanks for coming out last night and representin' as always!
  3. @iamnirav @lifeonmyside My pleasure! Thanks for coming out! Glad we got to bring out the 'special drinks' by the end of the night!
  4. Thanks for coming out last night @juliedelcarlo, @amyobana, @che, @lifeonmyside, @cbogie, and @nancymar!! Way to represent!
  5. @JShoee OMG! Crystallized Uggs. GROSS!
  6. Check out @scribewine. A family owned #winery in beautiful #Sonoma spearheaded by #SF local and friend, Andrew Mariani
  7. @ptsullivan I know this view:)
  8. @leftparen @anm Oh wow, by t-shirt I meant wine;) Red or White?
  9. @anm @leftparen I can hook you up with a shirt. What size? I'll bring it up to the front desk and you can pick it up there!
  10. To pumps, smoothies, and pizza...Thanks for the VIP treatment and awesome time @mgale, @anm, @juliedelcarlo, @che, @amyobana!!!
  11. @juliedelcarlo Why didn't I take a picture! #chicken
  12. Visit to unlock the full stream of @CutCopy's new record #Zonoscope.
  13. I just bought some wine from @fledgling ( to support @roomtoread in its efforts to bring books to every school on Earth!
  14. @screamingstudio happy new year! Let's get the old Linden crew together soon for a little reunion
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @nancymar!!
  16. @JShoee If you see any cute size 11 shoes, buy them for me! @nordstromrack = only place to find shoes for us tall ladies out there!
  17. Happy birthday @al!!!
  18. Nearing the end of a brilliant two weeks in Saigon. It's been real Vietnam. Until next time...
  19. Next stop.....Ho Chi Minh City!