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  1. The quantity and quality of these #hackweek projects would be impressive for a company twice this size. <3 you @twitter
  2. @bhaggs Say hi to my friend @mpobrien! He's an engineer at squarespace.
  3. @truebe you should meet @sam1vp. he homebrews and is thinking about starting a homebrew beer exchange.
  4. @superamit the worst is when you can't find your glasses and you can't see without them to find them.
  5. I've tried the @bikebasketpies pumpkin chocolate chip pie. Order one for thanksgiving. It's amazing!
  6. @gregmarra ah! tell me more about this!
  7. @mikerugnetta did you actually find a problem google can't solve?
  8. Americans can watch 4 hour baseball games but not 3 hour bollywood movies. #donotunderstand
  9. @Magnuson So sorry to hear that! Hang in there.
  10. "Just adding something from games isn't a guarantee for fun." Gamification and Its Discontents via @k
  11. @nataliehg @elizilla Do you guys know how long that's supposed to last? It's pretty annoyingly loud early in the morning.
  12. @colbay @k @trammell design research: better with geese!
  13. @jinen Congratulations! cc: @reha
  14. @BenWard alright! bring on the awesome!
  15. I love the usability setup @trammell and I use at @twitter. $70 software and no 2-way mirror! cc: @silverbackapp
  16. @nataliehg I would still delete the account if I were you. There are some bad user experiences I don't excuse.
  17. @gmail loading slowing if at all, and lots of #103 errors?
  18. I love it when usability participants get excited: "Alright, button! Let's see what you've got!"
  19. @kidhack tollef didn't help? i hear he's a fan.