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  1. Hope my JP friends are ok. Scary.
  2. @jwedgwood A small handful I think, no office though. Always room for one more! #jointheflock
  3. @wilw So true! I hope there is a special circle of Hell for the Fox geniuses who cancelled it. What if TOS had been cancelled after ep 11?
  4. 2 yr old just swallowed 4 pieces of chewing gum, I noticed mid- piece 5. #parentingfail
  5. @robey Don't worry, you'll get one.
  6. Laser yaks! Thanks #TechShop you rock!
  7. Shave a yak, get a sticker!
  8. @raffi great idea! Make it happen!
  9. @raffi So jealous of you today. Watched many NASA launches @ VandenbergAFB as a kid, but never seen a shuttle launch, obviously never will.
  10. Neither mucus nor fever nor rattling cough can keep me from...seeing Gnomeo&Juliet w/daughter. #maternalsacrifice
  11. Oops, @thetwars, not twars. Too feverish to care.
  12. Day8 of Battle @TWARS, now w/fever! O Foul @TWARS, is there no depth to which you will not sink? Mercy is needed.
  13. Despite its depressingly early start, I think today is going to be a Good Day, thanks to @raffi and @mabb0tt
  14. @jakemix Fridays are always worst. Now you're forced to breathe fumes of happiness and self-motivation! Hope it won't curdle the al pastor.
  15. @dloft @jwedgwood Still haven't found the cat though.
  16. Horror flick 101: don't follow the trail of blood up the stairs...
  17. @dloft Oh crap, where's the cat?