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  1. @bailey Ahem.
  2. @truebe Sounds devoid of MTV Spring Break. I'll pass.
  3. Is Lake Havasu still a thing?
  4. @SchauerTime YMCA summer camp. I went every year of my childhood, mackin' on honey dips.
  5. @SchauerTime Camp Collins?
  6. @ChristopherJM Has it been two years yet? Time to come visit me dude.
  7. I really feel strongly about vague emo status updates.
  8. You only turn 31 on 03/11/11 at 3:11 once (well, twice actually) and I totally forgot to Tweet about it. This calls for some Cheez-Its.
  9. "This calls for some Cheez-Its" can be said about most things.
  10. If you can afford an iPad today you can afford to text REDCROSS to 90999. Also it's my birthday & I love cheesy gifts wrapped in tortillas.
  11. Mo' honey, mo' Christopher Robins.
  12. Avoiding Ma$e's calls.
  13. @mollyunravel Crazy. Good things, I hope. This is a first for me but I have so many other shots I want to share now. On film to boot.
  14. I just had a strip of bacon with a maple bar underneath it from my home town courtesy of @trammell. You're alright, Monday.
  15. @walteryetman That's a pretty raw photo.
  16. @crystal pencil me in ONE DAY. Tonight I'm showing my photos at Mini Bar on Divisadero. Sold one already!
  17. @crystal dang the picture is sideways. It says "Do yoga."
  18. Looks like @crystal has started writing graffiti.
  19. Hey SF friends: I have a few photographs up at Mini Bar (837 Divisadero Street) for a small reception tomorrow night. There will be cheese.