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  1. @the_real_matt_m that thing looks like the sequel to angry birds. let's call it distinguished puppies
  2. surprise elephant graffiti
  3. @justinbieber sometimes say sometimes
  4. HARVEY RT @audomatic Counter bad speech with more good speech! #sxswpredicament #sxswi
  5. these people are sure being judgmental about these movie previews considering we're all about to see "battle los angeles"
  6. times are tough at the leper colony. can you give me a hand?
  7. @ladieslovekazuo "does whatever a china can"
  8. this video is called "slow loris with a tiny umbrella" that's all you need to know
  9. #followfriday @truthbuffet they have some secrets to share with you, celebrities
  10. and the award for best actor playing the same role every time goes to jesse eisenberg. better luck next year, michael cera!
  11. @the_real_matt_m is Kenny Powers' brother up for best supporting actor?
  12. Desmond is live-hogging the Oscars:
  13. Wally Pfister: newly-minted oscar winner, or future robot sex move?
  14. @tyip also by the human-transforming-into-a-rat from Harry potter, no?
  15. @delbius when you're south of the border and there's chocolate sauce on your order, that's a mole. #amore
  16. I want to name my dog Achilles so I can teach him to heel
  17. i used to think a tunnel through the earth would lead to china. turns out a tunnel along stockton works too.