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  1. OH: "These tests have 0.5% coverage!" "Yeah but 0.5 is infinitely many times greater than 0!"
  2. @moonpolysoft they huge part is that open-sourcing this was blocking open-sourcing a lot of other stuff.
  3. @pmarscha /cc @johnsirois
  4. @michaelmontano check out ServerSets
  5. No docs yet, so it's hard to appreciate, but this is huge:
  6. @neilkod 99% of that is not me, it's the yahoo fellows.
  7. @neilkod top's optimized -- doesn't require the sort which is a) nlogn b) done on the reduce side.
  8. @neilkod there isn't a built in one as far as I know
  9. @lintool real artists ship.
  10. @edward_ribeiro @al3xandru that's right, I couldn't remember the new name.
  11. @al3xandru they are pretty public about PNUTS
  12. @al3xandru Yahoo has quite a few internal "nosql"-like projects. Also, Hadoop is totally not NoSql. NoMPI, maybe :)
  13. @kimsterv Yep, we're hosting the SF hadoopers next month.
  14. @nickmccann you are gonna have one wet night..
  15. @joeharris76 yup, splittable LZO.
  16. Apparently there was a session on "Using excess reserve capacity" at the SF HUG this week. I *wish* I had that problem...
  17. Good notes from SF HUG session on Hadoop workflow management tools. (conclusion: pain, much pain!)
  18. @arnabdotorg congrats