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  1. @chl but yes, we're aware of the fact that this is one of the most requested search features. By us as developers too. :)
  2. @chl I've argued for that kind of thing for ages. But I worked @linkedin in past, so I'm partial to pro features. @twitter? not so much.
  3. @chl re: labeling/clients - some transparency could help, yes. Hopefully things will become more clear with time, and more of these disc'ns
  4. @chl search complete timeline, eh? Let's see, 1 billion new tweets per week, we do >>10K QPS search traffic, who's gonna pay for that?
  5. @squarecog whaddyamean, "no docs"? Better than docs, we got *javadocs*! wait, you want humans to read it? ;P
  6. Open source goodies on the JVM from @TwitterEng :
  7. OH (on @quora) "You could also eat a stick of butter and gargle with a bicarbonate, but waiting might just be the better strategy, here."
  8. @msciocia lots of stuff is in the works, in some way or another. Which stuff will really get done *soon*, otoh? There's the rub!
  9. @msciocia searching/organizing among followers... that's definitely a hole in our feature set. :\
  10. @msciocia no problem! Could you point to any specific searches which don't work well when you try them? We've been trying some new stuff...
  11. @msciocia do you have any specific cases which don't work very well at present? I'm responsible for that part of our product. :)
  12. @chl "new rules forbid ... functionalities like tweeting, retweeting, ... " this is not true at all, re-read the letter. SUL and WTF, yes.
  13. @rjurney You mean it's not from the same roots as "caliente" and "fornicar"?
  14. OH (re: bday invite): "I told you! I don't want to be a princess. I will be a dragon, they have more fun, they scare the princesses! ROARR!"
  15. @adilaijaz yeah sure, but that page still has @mikemiller and @bbansal too, and I was there more recently than both of *them*!
  16. RT @adilaijaz: if you've ever wondered, this is what i work on // s/work/worked/g if it's me you're referring to!
  17. From this weekend (I'm the short one)
  18. @zang0 You mean different than @infochimps ?
  19. @strlen quora and twitter next? ;)