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  1. Test tweet
  2. @kneath I like where it sits eventually. The initial pop is more than I'd prefer.
  3. . @mattknox's law states that all programming languages will evolve until their operators are ascii porn /cc @olix0r
  4. Perl in scala: Future.collect(>insert(id, Column(userId, id.metadata.toThrift)).map(_=>1).handle(_=>0))).map(_.reduceLeft(_+_))
  5. Isn't the answer always netcat? /cc @lg
  6. @lg is everywhere.
  7. I'm going to make all my classes final, because shit ain't getting better than this.
  8. Double-plus hate for @hadoop, which took perfectly reasonable interfaces and made them into abstract classes in a recent release.
  9. Note to Java devlopers: If you use abstract class where you meant interface, I might have to punch you.
  10. Trying with @ram to see if java calling scala calling java works. #inception
  11. Waist-deep fluffy bluebird at the wood. 5:15am wakeup for 1st chair
  12. @jbarnette Any of this on @github?
  13. @jbarnette Why Chef vs Homebrew vs whatever?
  14. @pt You just called IHOP a "venue".
  15. @SchauerTime Knife or Compass?
  16. @sm You sure it wasn't directed to @dickc?