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  1. Tonight's line for luck: "He's cream of the crop, that boy."
  2. Tonight's line for luck: "And I'm proud to see all of you climbing to the top of your professions, . . . "
  3. Today's line for luck: "Whoop! whoop. Whooping cranes, us and the whooping cranes. . . "
  4. Tonight's line for luck: "You scratch my back and I scratch yours, It's that simple."
  5. Today's line for luck: "I used to tell people you boys were like a fine watch."
  6. Tonight's line for luck: "Don't grow old on me, boys, don't lose faith, don't get old on me."
  7. Today's line for luck is one of my favorite lines: "When the shit hits the fan I'll be right behind you." .....Rarely ever happens.
  8. Tonight's line for luck: "you're starting to sag a little too, you look tired."
  9. To all the fans waiting for The Confession intl release - were working hard to have it to you soon! Thanks for your support. You Rock!
  10. Tonight's line for luck: "You're in the heart attack season, boys."
  11. If you haven't yet; Make sure you catch episodes 4 & 5 of #Theconfession on hulu or our Facebook page thoughts?
  12. Wishing @hillbillyinNYC a very happy birthday...and many more!
  13. Tonight's line for luck: "Dangerous times all over."
  14. Today's line for luck: "It's entirely's in the realm of possibility."
  15. Tonight's line for luck: "Sex maniac!"
  16. Today's line for luck: "Wake Up. It's 1972 already."
  17. Tonight's line for luck: "Our hearts will e'er be faithful. To the foes we'll never yield."
  18. Today's Matinee line for luck: "In the kingdom of the blind....the one-eyed man is king"
  19. Today's line for luck: "You don't know anything. You fornicated and read the newspapers. That's what you know."
  20. Today's line for luck: "What I did tonight was not for personal reasons. But, for the good of us all."