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  1. @CFIBPrez Please do not confuse the electorate with petty facts. Thank-you, The Management. @CFIB #Elxn41 #CDNpoli
  2. @Ben_Bergen Remember it well. Ont was transformed from "Yours To Discover" to "Yours To Recover" - disastrous. Federally? @acoyne #elxn41
  3. @acoyne How dire must things be to have enough ppl believe "He'll never win so I'm voting #NDP" - and actually hand them a victory? #Elxn41
  4. @Sekoyes Pls See @TonyclementCPC "Local NDP cand suggested tonite that my campaign van needed crosshairs" Apr 11 @ 23:19 @msccust #elxn41
  5. In an intrvu w/ Mansbridge of @CBCNews, Jack #Layton says only difference btwn #LPC & #NDP is that latter has n'er B4 been in power. #Elxn41
  6. 2) to the surface of the earth. Apparently no one told the Liberals that the ground freezes and you can't fence in NB during winter. #nbpoli
  7. 1) Saw firsthand the legacy of Shawn Graham today: Route 7 fencing, a substantial portion of which is laying down, nearly parallel #nbpoli
  8. @ezralevant I suggest that he prepare his bags. @quellerie #ignatieff
  9. @TonyclementCPC What's the name of this candidate? @msccust
  10. @MMFlint "Complimentary Palm"? Is that like a free hand-job?
  11. @tylercameron Closer to 7000 km. @CPCSoudas
  12. That a titty bar, Dimitri? RT @CPCSoudas: Just saw Scott Brison and a group of Liberals at the Lion's Pub in Vancouver.
  13. @msccust Did Paul #Martin mention cap n trade? #exln41
  14. @msccust The #LPC will lighten their wallets up. #yeg #cpc #ndp #elxn41
  15. @msccust All show - no go. @m_ignatieff #yeg #LPC #elxn41
  16. @bradwoodside Excuse me 4 interupt'g, but any1 familiar w/ paradigm shifts in retail'g ovr past 150 yrs undrstnds @bigairmcnair @NickyBinNB
  17. Hey Norm, please don't retweet questions posed by others, unless you include your response. Thanks! @ComicAvenger @normmacdonald
  18. @ChanelCampbell How about a truckload of baby ducks? @therealzooeyd
  19. @bradwoodside We do want that to continue, Brad - so which leader do you believe to be best suited to ensuring that it does?
  20. @SarahKSilverman Asshole? She didn't mention you, at all did she Justin? @justinwarfield