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  1. UK subject just told me all Brits were informed by their embassy they should leave the country, as situation deteriorating.
  2. The vast majority of Yemenis are silent about wanting Pres. Saleh to go or stay. Each camp claims them as supporters.
  3. Sunday: Despite protests, the World Heritage old city of Sanaa is vibrant ... with local trade -- no tourists.
  4. They even agree that the President step down, but don't want a vacuum of power into which some powerful figure will step.
  5. There are people in the ruling party who also want change, including a new political system. I just met a group of them.
  6. She argues that despite attempts to find a compromise, protesters are united in insisting that Pres. Saleh must go, now.
  7. On her wall is a large reproduction depicting her heroes: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela
  8. SHE runs NGO called Women Journalists Without Chains, and provided the impetus to launch big-league protest.
  9. Saturday: had a 90-minute interview with fascinating Tawakkol Karman, THE leader in a "leaderless" protest movement.
  10. 300 women in black niqabs in roped off area. Men link hands to form corridor so they can pass untoiuched.
  11. Then rise as one shouting: The people want the regime to fall; the people want the regime to fall...
  12. It's a wondrous sight when so many unite in prayer -- a patchwork quilt of fabric when they touch their foreheads to the ground.
  13. All calling for Ali Abdullah Saleh to leave. They wave Yemen and even some Tunisian and Egyptian flags.
  14. Including people down the three streets from the square, there's as many as 50,000, very enthusiastic protesters.
  15. Protest square definitely full today as noon prayer begins. Definitely more than 25,000.
  16. For first time, soldiers stop me and remind me of trouble they gave another journalist earlier this week -- a warning.
  17. Arriving this morning, the usual three lines of protesters' security frisk everyone.
  18. The message is repeated again and again: Ali Abdullah Saleh must leave now, not later (as opposition parties say)
  19. Delgations from different districts outside capital and different professions saluted as they arrive.
  20. Protesters have taken back control of the microphone and stage from the opposition (religious-oriented) Islah Party.