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  1. Who says #SunTvnews isn't balanced programing? The banal daytime segments are fully evened out by the by the insane pundits in prime time.
  2. @OniJoseph Account-> account settings-> notification tab .
  3. @ThePMSaidSo It's funny because it's so incredibly stupid, just like many #CPC policies. Difference is the cats aren't ruining a country.
  4. Guardian UK: "Prime minister Stephen Harper is our version of George W Bush, minus the warmth and intellect"
  5. @cheddar_harper Did you hear about the kitty cat world record? . Disappointed it wasn't you.
  6. Ever get the feeling you're being followed, then realize that you caught some guy's tie in your car door?
  7. Looks like I won my riding in parallel-comic-universe Hamilton, Ontario. Who knows what could happen? Check it out:
  8. Glad we finally can forget about all the petty bickering of the campaign trial and look forward to the petty bickering of question period.