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  1. @dawnis: it's an iPad app that lets you stream video to your iPad from a server on your home network
  2. this research sounds bogus to me -- and isn't "low need for cognition" just another way of saying "stupid"?
  3. seriously, Air Video is pretty amazing -- this and Bit Torrent could turn the iPad into my portable television
  4. RT @nytjim: Wow. “@kimseverson: The calmest guy ever chats with his wife while a tornado hits his car
  5. @Ross: according to @peterpham, Color doesn't collect or record audio, just uses an ambient sound profile that is analyzed for patterns
  6. me too -- RT @anildash: Really fascinated by Encyclopedia Dramatica's evolution into OhInternet:
  7. @cpen @parislemon: what she said :-)
  8. random Facebook question triggers existential social-media angst, gets four million votes:
  9. @ifindkarma: I felt sorry for you so I created a couple of new dummy accounts and followed you :-)
  10. OKCupid responds to moron -- RT @nealunger: Best dating website complaint letter EVER.
  11. RT @audreywatters: "Crossing the HuffPo Picket Line"
  12. I'm at Green Tea Chinese Restaurant (101-147 Island Rd, Toronto)
  13. @AntDeRosa: hmm -- was it a Q & A with John McCain? because if it was, then that's the right link -- that's where it took me anyway
  14. not only did a robot write a news story about a baseball game, but it was better than the one the human being wrote:
  15. social media "is fundamentally restructuring the whole nature of information and how it is dispensed in America"
  16. @tcarmody @jowyang @Scobleizer: I agree that the sense of hysteria was overdone, and the technicalities of Color etc. not quite right
  17. @Scobleizer @jowyang: I think it added something in the sense that many people who don't read reviews probably didn't know all that
  18. @Scobleizer @jowyang: it's a little over-dramatic in spots, but I would hardly call it "horrible journalism" -- what's so horrible about it?
  19. Mike Elgan looks at several apps that use the iPhone microphone, even though users may not realize it:
  20. +1 MT @jayrosen_nyu: "Flipboard is THE product any big media company or group of media companies should have invented"