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  1. @netik could the same be said of sxsw? Yeeaaaahhhhh.
  2. @tckamdar's taqueria recommendation had a line. Had to divert to another place. Maybe next time.
  3. Reached the only calm point today. Time to look back and see me lose my patience. Sorry, @joshelman.
  4. Successful climbing trip. Beat the one that tore my finger last week. No blood involved this time.
  5. @jack that is the single best @square recruiting Tweet I've ever seen.
  6. @auerbach that is altogether possible. I might be the-creepy-guy-who-says-good-morning … I'm cool with that, too.
  7. Security guard saw me walking up to the building and hit the elevator button for me. THAT'S the power of saying 'good morning'
  8. New injury no mystery: tore off a finger pad climbing. Alerted by the blood on my other hand #notwinning
  9. @lenazun @jinen check out the others in the series at Thanks to @mcsweeneys for the post card versions.
  10. Second mystery muscle pain in a month. Looks like I've gotten old all-of-the-sudden. I'm older than I've ever been … and now I'm even older.
  11. @goldman I'm sure it's too late but I recommend The Kennedy School. Out of the way but good.
  12. @ej only tried a few. Best so far is Higher Grounds
  13. @hoverbird @timhaines @ded I checked and will try and look at it next week. (like:!!!!!!!)
  14. @trammell McMinneman's or bust. Also, Powell's or I never speak to you again. #justsayin
  15. @jinen baby's first hoodie:
  16. @nsallembien @jinen thought that was going to be a pic of a mechanical bull.
  17. "As I actually have a beard to stroke, my credentials for thinking out loud are clearly outstanding."
  18. @evan emo objects obsess about death in the near term. #dirtyhipsters
  19. @robey so, not MUNI either. What next?
  20. Proposed changes to the Unicode regex guidelines? Oh yes, this is my thing: