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  1. @V3CEO @comradejas The debate was big on the idea of diversity and multiculturalism which was not reflected by the panel. Quite patronizing.
  2. @comradejas in 2004 it was 23% still grossly inadequate for Canada.
  3. "@YahooNews: Kindergarten classes supplement crayons, finger paints and flashcards with iPads:" #elxn41
  4. @comradejas if women outnumber men in Canada, there should be no political disparity.
  5. @comradejas you should have gender quotas in government to ensure balance, it's retweetulous!
  6. @tcampbell0 @spirodon @rabbleca I did not hear anything about this during the debate. #elxn41
  7. @JessL fibre will be cast in the form of a ballot next week! Purge baby purge! #elxn41 #fed2011 #canada
  8. RT @spirodon Canada: 3000 missing women should be election issue @rabbleca #elxn41 #db8 #femvote #cpc #lpc #bloc #gpc
  9. @PureShakti @newstalk1010 @BradDuguid I agree with you. Everyone for themselves, screw the future! #nuclear #fail
  10. @comradejas That's another story. Women have control over that. They work on men's campaigns.
  11. "@comradejas: @OniJoseph No kidding! You watch the leadership debates and all 4 are old white men. One day history will condemn us."#elxn41
  12. @IvyPicklebottom lol
  13. @comradejas There you have it, welcome to Canadian politics! I hope this changes during our lifetime!