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  1. The @brianmasse phone canvass blitz today was a HUGE success. Great job by our Volunteer Coordinator Jo-Anne putting it together.#elexn41
  2. Simpe message here: @jacklayton is a great Leader and an increasing number of Canadian are taking notice. #elexn41
  3. @brianmassemp showing poise, experience and intelligence expressing the issues for Windsor on #cklw #db8
  4. Lisa could someone be so bad at the job they're applying for...seriously #cpc
  5. Here We Go! Chamber debates tdy-looking forward to hearing cands from Windsor/Essex explain their ideas for the future of our region. #cklw
  6. Thanks to Louis Sleiman for allowing team @BrianMasseMP hang out at #Eliasdeli for #db8
  7. Jack delivers #NDP health care platform beuatifully-now watch #Harper bs his way through this part of the debate
  8. Zing! Wow-Jack tear a strip off Harper on crooks in Senate. BOOYAH. #cdnpoli
  9. Great point Jack! Prevent crime creating programs that offer better choices..btw did Jack say "bling"? #cdnpoli
  10. Zing!!!! Jack offers Harper his crutch if he can't bank on Lib sppt
  11. Jack dares Harper to have the AG release her rot. Harper waffles-predictable #cdnpoli
  12. Searching #sawasenator is fun & sad all at once-I wonder if grass roots #cpc appreciate being taken for dupes #cdnpoli
  13. @GerryNic where's the fun in that? #fencesitter