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  1. Ignatieff's speechwriter says he didn't script the "Rise Up" message. @liberal_party: Blog: The Rising #lpc #elxn41
  2. RT @canadapolitics: Tories, Grits target #NDP-held Arctic riding #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  3. @caryn_lieberman great working with you too, Caryn!
  4. RT @davidakin: Both events for #CPC Leader Monday are in #NDP ridings - Bevington's and Rafferty's #elxn41
  5. @M_Ignatieff breaks out "Rise Up" speech in Van - his new slogan. The #LPC leader is encouraging Cdns to stop Harper and the #CPC. #elxn41
  6. #NDP vows to change criminal code and crackdown on elder abuse, which is similar to a Tory promise released Friday. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  7. On Facebook, 445 people say they will attend Carleton's vote mob. Organizers are hopeful. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  8. @leadnowca wants voting to be social. It is encouraging youth to head to the polls in groups and to hold post-vote celebrations. #elxn41
  9. Carleton U to host a 'vote mob' tomorrow @ 1:00PM. Learn more about the movement from @leadnowca: #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  10. RT @SunNewsNetwork: where you'll be able to watch Sun News Network when we go live at 4:30PM ET tomorrow
  11. RT @davidakin: Geek alert: New database tool "Postal Code to Electoral District API" #JSON, #JSONP and CSV
  12. @Teekay1968 you should be able to catch us Monday on Rogers cabel - channel 66.
  13. RT @SunNewsNetwork: Here comes the Sun! Sun News Network live tomorrow at 4 p.m. ET. #sunnews
  14. An article by @dprouss, who is with the #LPC tour. RT @canadapolitics: Iggy stands by candidate's crime comments .
  15. During Friday AM presser, Guergis will be joined by her campaign manager and fmr #CPC EDA President Andy Beaudoin. #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  16. @hannahyakobi Well hello there