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  1. For Tax Day I am pledging my entire Bush tax cut 2 b spent on removing these b**tards fr office next yr. Hope they have a COUPON 2 get home.
  2. ...And whoever their Dem enablers r. When u attack elderly ppl that's the last straw 4 any decent American. You will b removed from office.
  3. With nothing else 2 do on a Fri nite, I hereby issue this call to the ballot box: NEXT YEAR, WE PLEDGE TO REMOVE EVERY REPUB FROM OFFICE!
  4. I've always understood Y Repubs hate immigrants, the poor, women's uteruses, blackpeoplewhoarentclarencethomas -- but hating on OLD PEOPLE?
  5. Never EVER call them "vouchers." They're COUPONS. "Here, Granny -- here's your coupon! Now go call Humana & STFU!" #charliechaplinsbirthday
  6. Today the Repubs voted 2 snatch Medicare fr old people & kick them 2 the street w/ COUPONS. "Are their no prisons? Are there no workhouses?"
  7. So many tea party Repubs voted against the budget yesterday, the only way that the Boehner bill passed was with Dems supporting it. #enabler
  8. Make your voice heard on Monday (Tax Day) about corporations that pay ZERO taxes:
  9. In case u missed NYTimes ystrdy: How the leaders from both parties made sure no 1 fr Wall Street would go 2 jail.
  10. WI State investigation now looking @ "5 years" worth of voting shenanigans by county clerk who "found" 14K votes:
  11. #1 cause of bankruptcy in U.S. Is the inability 2 pay medical bills. Total # of Canadians evIcted last year because of medical bills? ZERO.
  12. Canadians are so nice they won't force their citizens into bankruptcy just because they get sick or -- are u ready? -- get old!
  13. Canadians are so nice, they won't let their banks destroy their economy and cause millions to be evicted from their homes.
  14. Yes. Canadians are so nice that, if Osama bin Laden showed up, they'd order Pizza Pizza (967-1111).
  15. RT @rames1974 We Canucks allow a party 2 sit in our parliamnt who wants 2 break up our cntry & we don't arrest em 4 treason. Aren't we nice?
  16. Canada has something cool: a New Democratic Party. Did we just get 1 today after Obama's shockingly gr8 speech? #ballsfoundgoplost
  17. He's like your grandpa who says he hates the internet & won't go online--until he does, & then you can't get him off it. He'll like Canada!
  18. Ok, so here's what I don't get: The French separatist dude is the smartest one & the best candidate but if he wins he wants to leave.