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  1. Engines not included in F-35 purchase, docs show (wings are included in the 'bomb 'em to hell" option pack. iPolitics
  2. Allan Blakeney dies at 85 | iPolitics
  3. Guergis allegations include drug, fraud, parties with hookers: report | iPolitics #elxn41 #ipca
  4. @ElizabethMay What's your comment on the B.C. candidate removed for rape comment. We heard from party official, how about you? #elxn41
  5. Acadians, franco-Manitobans, Officially bilingual N.Bers. and many other non-Quebec francophones didn't get a question 2nite. #elxn41 #db8
  6. It’s Debate Night in Canada, part deux | iPolitics
  7. Harper says F-35 will result in $12B in spinoffs for aerospace. Where did that come from... Ignatieff says he made it up. #elxn41 #db8
  8. It's too bad the first part of the debate wasn't like the last 40 minutes. #db8 #elxn41
  9. It's interesting the French debate only has questions from Quebec (unless I missed one from outside) #elxn41 #db8
  10. Harper is smart to let the others draw blood on a no-win issue like the constitution. #elxn41 #db8
  11. @cfhorgan agreed. Duceppe smoothly argued that one. You'd think he's spoken on sovereignty before. #elxn41 #db8
  12. Ignatieff: Quebec is in a flourishing state. Huh?? #db8 #elxn41
  13. Quebec's role question brings out some interesting responses and debate. It took 90 minutes to get interesting #db8 #elxn41
  14. This #db8 is as combative as a curling match #elxn41 #dbat
  15. Moving to Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. in a few weeks to work at -- Should I change Twitter handle cuz I won't be in Canada any more?
  16. Duceppe scored on Harper: he should deal with crime in cabinet and his own office. Says doesn't believe SH's explanation. #db8 #ipca #elxn41