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  1. New blog post on wee whisky tasting to get your taste buds going...check it out here:
  2. Hello sunshine my old friend...I have come to sit with you again...
  3. Day @ London Fields lido getting brown skin, followed by homemade chicken burgers w spicy Jamaican scotch bonnet sauce in co of lovely man
  4. SunBURN in April...not as good...but sun revelling still top Gwiltypleasure of the moment!
  5. Suntan in April...that's what I'm talking about!
  6. @sterussell it's not your week for bikes is it?!?!
  7. going to be a scorcher again in Londontown...desiring pine nut gelato found in Italian town in the Cinque Terra, wondering if they deliver?
  8. Definitely a Gwiltypleasure:
  9. colleague's apple cake with cream cheese icing comes in as Gwiltypleasure of the day number 1...
  10. @nestruck was just reading that funny enough...good ol' Brooker...surprised this story hasn't been covered more in Canuck press.
  11. is realising it's going to be a hard transition in three weeks from 22 degree London warmth, to snow-still-on-the-ground Canada...
  12. @timhayward hopefully it was at least melted chocolate...
  13. Gwiltypleasure of the day: homemade spicy tuna spaghetti with capers and olives, a very large glass of wine, and Glee...
  14. Depressing landmark case...
  15. @DaisyExit AMAZING!
  16. @gusthedestroyer ... no but I'm sure someone will track it down...have you seen the Guardian's snog blog?
  17. Re: last tweet - this map shows list of kiss-in locations...
  18. Read about this yesterday when it broke on Twitter and am pleased to see how quickly people are moving to fix it:
  19. Gwiltypleasure of the day: receiving stylin' Moo biz cards, with my own photography gracing each one! Loverly...highly recommend: