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  1. @mgoogoo royal wedding fine. Watching an anchor go shopping is Not news!
  2. @coraclepots @mycatsheds @deBeauxOs1 @leftcoastrant @StigNasty @ArtMacabre Thanks for the Retweets!
  3. LOL. Funny. @kevinkindred Some call it the "Orange Crush". I prefer the "Dash for the 'Stache." #elxn41
  4. Agreed! RT @bigpicguy For an election nobody wanted this one is pretty interesting... #elxn41 #youthvote #votemob
  5. #Aboriginal youth vote! Great video! #elxn41 #youthvote #votemob
  6. Not sure if #NDP surge will translate to votes, but #NDP now only 3 pts behind #CPC Interesting elxn 4sure. #elxn41
  7. Earlier today on #PnP #LPC candidates suggested #LPC beg voters to come out. Kinda looks to me like that's what Chretien just did.
  8. Applause to @AFN @AFN_Comms. This was excellent. PS - Will you archive it for a few days?
  9. Ottawa should wake up and remember Shannen’s fight. #FNscount
  10. RT @ JustAlans TheStar Global Voices: First Nations education is a national crisis #elxn41 #FNscount
  11. Charlie Angus #NDP says that Indian Affairs shuffles money to the detriment of First Nations. #elxn41
  12. John McCallum #LPC will put $3M into First Nations Education #elxn41
  13. John McCallum #LPC will put $3M into First Nations Education
  14. Charlie Angus says NDP will honour Shannon's Dream. #elxn41
  15. Romonow for #greens says something fundimental has to change for First Nations. #elxn41
  16. Romonow for #greens says somehting fundimental has to change for First Nations. #elxn41
  17. Charlies Angus #NDP: #CPC ingored First Nations and let them fester. Calls #CPC attitude dismissive. Reminds folks #CPC r noshow #elxn41
  18. John McCallum #LPC blasts #CPC for "tearing up" kelowna Accord. #elxn41