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  1. Wonder if Paul Martin wrote latest liberal hysterical ad? "Soldiers in the streets" worked so well....
  2. @kady btw this is not a rally. Annct with small crowd. Rally tonight in Yellowknife.
  3. P.Martin making excuses for health cuts now?! PRT @mikedesouza "Martin said reform-alliance wanted him to cut more health funding in 90s."
  4. @stevenmackinnon Know you've been busy, but have you got the details on that bridge you promised? What pg in platform can I find it?
  5. Liberal definition of "'kicked out": being invited to event and declining to enter. Twice.
  6. New Liberal Desperation Tactic: send people CPC rally, pretend to get kicked out, then have Ignatieff attack phony eviction mins later
  7. @_scottreid I actually believe Lucic moonlights as a human rights professor at Harvard...
  8. @_scottreid ...whew...would have been the first tweet based playoff collapse...
  9. @scottfeschuk Wow. Just imagine if the Habs were losing...? Have a beer or two. You are overheating like your leader.
  10. @scottfeschuk Scott -- you're not as funny when bitter. Rise up, man!
  11. @InklessPW I almost feel we need to clarify: this is not a Conservative ad. The #LPC have done this to themselves. 
  12. From @JohnIbbitson on #LPC ad: "It is true that the Liberal government of Jean Chrétien cut funding for health care in the 1990s"
  13. @JohnIbbitson Ministers' Offices' budgets cut by $11.4 million this year