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  1. I believe we can live within our means and live up to our shared values—and I'll work with anyone willing to get it done. http://OFA.BO/Ddt9
  2. This West Wing Week: Balancing the need to cut the deficit while continuing to support our investments in the future: http://OFA.BO/Q1pEyL.
  3. Add your name in support of a responsible plan to reduce the deficit while investing in our future: http://OFA.BO/1KPjDo.
  4. I'm proposing an approach that puts every kind of spending on the table but protects the middle class, seniors & investments in the future.
  5. To meet our fiscal challenge, we will need to make reforms and sacrifices. But we do not have to sacrifice the America we believe in.
  6. There’s nothing serious about a plan that claims to reduce the deficit by spending $1 trillion on tax cuts for millionaires & billionaires.
  7. The debate over budgets and deficits is about more than just cutting and spending. It's about the kind of future we want.
  8. Speaking on fiscal policy from George Washington University in D.C. Watch live at 1:35pm ET.
  9. Speaking about the national initiative to support and honor America's service members and their families at noon ET.
  10. RT @whitehouse: Surprise! It's the President. See Obama surprise some students visiting the White House:
  11. RT @petesouza: Photo of President Obama greeting surprised tourists at the Lincoln Memorial:
  12. Last night's agreement means we can invest in our future while making the largest annual spending cut in our history. http://OFA.BO/KvTggy
  13. The entire federal government will be open for business tomorrow—and that's because Americans of different beliefs came together today.
  14. Resuming discussion of the ongoing funding bill negotiations with VP Biden, Speaker Boehner, and Majority Leader Reid at 1pm.
  15. At a time when the economy is still coming out of an extraordinarily deep recession, it would be inexcusable not to get this budget done.
  16. Meeting with VP Biden, Speaker Boehner, and Majority Leader Reid to discuss a funding bill to bring us through the end of the fiscal year.
  17. We asked Americans around the country what the 2012 campaign means to them. Watch the video: http://OFA.BO/8jRdP9 #Obama2012
  18. While I stay focused on the job you elected me to do, the work of laying the foundation for our campaign must start today.
  19. Today, we’re filing papers to launch our 2012 campaign. Say that you're in: http://OFA.BO/bWjHd7 #Obama2012
  20. The goal is simple―reduce imported oil by one third in the next decade. http://OFA.BO/ZS6est