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  1. Signs of inflation all over the planet. Wonder why? "Inflation always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon" Milton
  2. Netflix wars: Thanks to M Geithner for libretto for CanCon, the Opera For once we agree (I think)
  3. Another sign of US decline under Obama: Geithner welcomes IMF "surveillance" of US fiscal, money policy via @reuters
  4. Coming in Sat column: CANCON, THE OPERA Watch cultural shakedown artists try to mount sleazy protectionist heist of Netflix and the Internet
  5. In Geurgis' version, what PMO did is the third world equivalent of hauling her off in a pickup out into the desert to be shot. A disgrace.
  6. I'm torn: Do I write about Stanford's "excess corporate cash" loopiness, or classic Canadian broadcasting attempt to regulate NetFlix?
  7. @acoyne Is this not me? But I have no time now. Got to go through hilarious Jim Stanford report on taxes and "excess corporate cash flow."
  8. @acoyne Andrew! You don't tweet enough. It's been 17 mins. I've got nothing to read here.