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  1. @andrew_leach artists have learned how to speak beautifully.
  2. @mikedesouza Sent you a summary of IEA scenarios w their impact on price of oil, plus Deutsche Bank on electric cars = end of age of oil
  3. @mikedesouza I'm watching the kids this a.m. but will try to pull those numbers during nap times
  4. @mikedesouza @andrew_leach Greenpeace's Energy Rev'n modeled impacts on demand for oil but assumed c pricing wld maintain high price 4 oil
  5. @lauriek Don't try to tell me how to ignore instructions!
  6. RT @naturenews: Chinese emissions: these, too, shall peak #climate
  7. Time to bring Bruce Carson off the bench? RT @financialpost: Election 2011: NDP’s strength Big Oil’s anxiety #elxn41
  8. Henhouse, meet Fox: The Star OPG review after Japanese nuclear crisis finds Ontario reactors safe, robust
  9. @blackiebee1 Yes. C+T $s can pay 4 and complement fuel efficiency regs, transit, better urban planning and shift to EVs
  10. @davidakin Not necessarily the most efficient or effective way to build green economy, but probably more politically palatable (2/2)
  11. @davidakin Libs pledged to spend C+T $s on enviro measures in the province where $s are collected Not necessarily (1/2)
  12. Our Env't Minister forgets to mention... the environment RT @peterkent_cpc: The Economy Must Come First -
  13. I am once again forced to agree with Clare RT Blog by @claredemerse on costs & benefits of NDP cap-and-trade plans
  14. @ghoberg p.s. there will be costs, but also benefits to climate action: efficiency lowers bills, health from cleaner air, jobs...
  15. Smart RT @ghoberg: A Canadian Election Primer on the Climate Policy Expert Consensus on Policy Design #elx41
  16. @ghoberg Great piece. I would quibble re. politics of business response + think cap & trade design matters a lot. But not in 140 characters
  17. I wish it were 10 cents/L, but: On the gas price impact of NDP cap-and-trade via @andrew_leach
  18. @ecocommish Manage what we can't avoid, while working like hell to avoid warming that would be unmanageable (to paraphrase Friedman).
  19. @andrew_leach @davidakin @acoyne My query to @cpc_giorno this a.m. was Have you asked Mintz how much your proposed GHG regs would cost?
  20. @angrycanuck @acoyne @davidakin Free initially (w lots of politics entailed) but ultimate cost depends on how low the cap is.