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  1. Harper’s Savaging of Canadian Liberals Helps NDP Rise, Imperiling Majority
  2. Pimco’s Devlin Says NDP Election ‘Theater’ Won’t Sink Canadian Bond Market
  3. Harper's quest for a majority may hinge on how well he does with Toronto's working poor
  4. @IvisonJ tks john..
  5. My article on Harper's economic record for April 25 edition of Bloomberg Businessweek
  6. Eco data: Canadian retail sales gain 0.4% in Feb., first gain in 3 months. Canada dollar rises to 3-year high as investors see rate hikes
  7. More eco data: Cdn wholesale sales fall 0.6% in Feb., first drop in 7 mths . Leading indicators index up 0.8% in March, down from Feb.
  8. Canadian Inflation at 30-Month High of 3.3% Outstrips Central Bank Outlook
  9. Cdn inflation accelerates to 3.3 percent in March, fastest in more than 2 years
  10. Canadian bonds rally after S&P puts `negative outlook' on U.S. debt. Canadian dollar little changed
  11. Canadians receiving EI benefits fall for fifth straight month, down 1.3 percent in February to 628,900.
  12. Data watch: Non-residents sell Cdn bonds and turn to Cdn equities in Feb. Bond sell-off was first in more than 2 years
  13. Balsillie responds to PlayBook critics in Bloomberg interview
  14. Foreign Direct Investment in Canada Increases 2.6% in 2010, led by U.S.
  15. Canada's effective business tax rate (21.6%) is 7 percentage points below average of other six G7 countries (28.4%)
  16. Study released today shows CDN effective business tax rate at 21.6%. US at 27.7% and OECD average ex US at 22.6%
  17. Bad day for eco data: Canadian factory sales fell faster-than-expected 1.5% in February, jobless claims in US unexpectedly increase.