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  1. #EmanAlObeidi hopes Saadi Gadhafi will be able 2 make good his promise to try to help her, there had been some early indications but 0 now
  2. #EmanAlObeidi tells us she's concerned there's no resolution in sight & she's still unable 2 leave. She's worried people will forget abt her
  3. Still waiting more info abt missing journalists & #EmanAlObeidy. CNN will continue to pursue these and other important stories in Libya.
  4. Leaving Libya after 6 weeks-- scheduled rotation. Colleague @fpleitgenCNN taking over in Tripoli.
  5. On way back to Tripoli now.
  6. The soldier, w/his head bandaged, said gunfire was celebratory and shot grazed his head as it fell from sky. Unclear what really happened.
  7. We stopped in Zlitan again on way back, were taken w/diplomats to hospital there where we saw soldier who'd been injured while w/journlists
  8. Journalists tell us soldier was leadng them across road, was burst of heavy gunfire & suddenly realizd soldier hd blood coming down head.
  9. Bus we on waited w/the diplomats abt 10 kms outside city. Other bus w/ journalists went into Misrata, where they talked to Libyan soldiers
  10. Heading back to Tripoli now. We went back to try to get into Misrata with journalists on two buses -- buses got separated
  11. Now bus heading back for Misrata, about 40km away.
  12. Confusion at chkpt resulted in bus going back to Zlitan, 40km from Misrata, where waited for press conf w/diplomats that didn't happen.
  13. The further away from Tripoli, the longer the lines for gasoline
  14. 10-15kms outside Misrata at big militry chckpt. Chkpts on rd from Tripoli look more professionl thn b4, more uniformd soldiers, fewer civlns
  15. In Homs, about 70 kms from Misrata...
  16. Approx 30 international journalists in white bus going to #Misrata on govt-organized trip.
  17. Heavy explosions in Tripoli short while ago, probably half a dozen, sounds distant, away from city center
  18. Missing journalsts include 2 Americans --James Foley & Clare Morgana Gillis-- and Spanish photog Manu Brabo & S African photog Anton Hammerl
  19. Source close to govt says 4 journalists missing in E. Libya are in govt hands. Says they “safe” & will b moved to Tripoli & released “soon"
  20. 18 hrs later, told rep still not available & cleared to broadcast w/exception of 10 secs #Eman agreed to have cut abt her support for East.