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  1. Show Time is Go Time @stratfordshakespearefestival
  2. Driving in from Kingston to talk #elxn41 with the lads @live885 #Ottawa
  3. -2c this morning. Really Spring? REALLY???
  4. Deeply honoured! Proud alumni. RT @Joel_Welch: #UWO is given @KevinNewman_tv an honourary law doctorate!
  5. Try this new grassroots way to generate #elxn41 news. @Open_File
  6. Flashback!!!RT @SusanDelacourt: Yay! Constitution! Good times! #meechsurvivor #1990wasgreat #db8 #elxn41 #cdnpoli
  7. Have ur say! RT @postmedianet: and OpenFile Bring Community-Driven Journalism to Election Coverage #fb #in
  8. Debate results/impact settle over time. It takes hours, not minutes. #db8 #elxn41
  9. Paikin has the hardest job of any debate moderator under this format. He is supremely capable in that chair. #db8 #elxn41
  10. Nights like these are made for Twitter. Enjoy the play-by-play everyone - and as Picard wud say: engage! #db8 #elxn41
  11. Still sports here in T.O. RT @gngreen: Only in #Ottawa do the downtown bars switch their TVs to a political debate. #db8 #elxn41
  12. Rock, paper, scissors RT @spaikin: Pre-debate handshakes #db8
  13. Paikin's the best! On-set Tweeting. RT @spaikin: Pre-debate handshakes #db8
  14. Wondering: If all the Cdn Networks weren't about to pre-empt together for Debate, how many would watch? #elxn41
  15. Betting lines too!RT @mikewoollatt: Pizza joints should do Debate specials, like superbowl. Or maybe I'm waaay too inside the bubble?
  16. There are few more welcome sounds than the first spring rain on a roof. After a long Canadian winter. #favoritethings
  17. Great to share brunch with former colleague @CarolynGN at my favorite Ottawa spot, Jim and @MattyBiFrescos
  18. Kathleen Petty asking straight sensible questions of #cpc Flaherty on @CBCTheHouse