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  1. Preparing for Easter. Tomorrow night going to leave cookies and milk for Christ.
  2. Thought of a very,VERY funny tweet last night. Forgot to write it down. It definitely had the word nipple in it.
  3. Just pitched idea to Universal. The Day The Cloud Failed. They said they were interested but their focus groups were down.
  4. @mistydi I'm very glad. Thanks for telling me.
  5. I'm an idiot. I chose today to promote and now see that all social networks are down. Thanks Amazon.
  6. @StorRick You can have mine.
  7. @KevinKittridge May 11 N.Y. May 17 L.A. And some in the plane.
  8. Today is National Pre-Order day! To partake go here, take a look inside, and celebrate!
  9. Iphone and Ipad now know everywhere you go. I'll show them. I'm never leaving the house. Suckers.
  10. @juddapatow My book! My book!
  11. @benjaminbell I appreciate it!
  12. @chriskattan Thanks man!
  13. Went out for frozen yogurt. Why is everyone fat in these supposed low calorie places?
  14. New terror alert system unveiled today. Only two levels. They're coming. They're here.
  15. Confession: I once slept with an air traffic controller. Not at the same time, but still.
  16. I can't believe that people actually follow @WholeFoods The most unfunny market on Twitter.
  17. "Did you hear about the Polish author that left himself one star on Amazon?" I said, GIMME the goddam keyboard back!
  18. Giving new comedian a chance tonight. Okay, go. "Hi. How many people here from New York?" Gimme the keyboard back. You're not ready.
  19. News flash: Obama obstetrician says President never born! Man in White House is a dentist!
  20. Good morning. It's a wonderful wonderful day. So happy to be a alive. So happy........wait. Forget it. I thought it was Thursday.