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  1. Congratulations to Adrian Dix, the new leader of the BC #NDP
  2. @EdenSpodek You've got to be involved in the conversation #NDP #momthevote
  3. I hear @PaulDewar got quite the reception at the Show Tune Showdown last night - Great event supporting Ottawa's GLBT community
  4. RT @supposedly_fun: supporters pack Gordon Earle's office 2 hear @jacklayton- momentum on the South Shore! #elxn41
  5. RT @ctvqp: Jack Layton says he is dedicating the NDP's campaign to the memory of Allan Blakeney, former premier of Saskatchewan.
  6. RT @smithjoanna: #NDP @jacklayton taping an interview for todays episode of Question Period on CTV. #elxn41
  7. The #NDP is excited about the #momthevote movement #elxn41
  8. Déclaration du chef du NPD Jack Layton à la suite du décès d’Allan Blakeney
  9. Statement from @jacklayton on the death of Allan Blakeney #ndp
  10. RT @sfharris: RT @CBCPolitics: Allan Blakeney, former Sask. premier, dies #cdnpoli
  11. RT @jacklayton: Spoke with Premier Selinger about MB flooding. Worst is yet to come. Fed dollars for permanent solutions needed.
  12. @maxlroze He is the real Jack Layton, and he grew up in Quebec, not too far from Montreal